Has dieting always felt hard for you?
Do you sit in your bed every Sunday night and think to yourself
“This time it will be different. Tomorrow I’ll start again”
whilst simultaneously eating a bag of popcorn (the last supper!)
I’ve been there.

This is the exact reason why I have created this program. With accountability and support from me and our Coached By Ell community learning alongside you, you’ll be able to master the strategies and build a routine you love (and can stick to) whilst still eating that popcorn!
What’s the point in looking good if you can’t enjoy social events, a cheese board or a netflix n chill day without feeling like you’re going to ruin it? That’s what I thought, it ain’t worth it! You should be able to eat and train in a way that’s going to benefit and enhance your life, not take away from it.
I’ve been where you are. I used to google search for the best meal plans, diet foods and training programs. I would meal prep dry chicken and soggy broccoli and hold my nose while I tried to force feed it to myself (gross). I would then throw it out, go and buy a 4 pack of cheese + bacon rolls and SWEAR I would try again next week.
I would go out to social events telling myself I wouldn’t eat or drink only to catch sight of the snack table and single handedly eat pretty much everything. Then top it off with a maccas run on the way home cause HEY I’ve already ruined it, may as well keep going.
Can you relate to this?
What broke that cycle for me was diving into everything evidence based.
Learning about flexible dieting, educating myself on how to train without all of the jumping and running (how gross are burpees) and I NAILED it.
I have now gone on to create my own signature 20 week coaching program so that you can do the same thing I did!
(Without having to sift through all of the utter BS that’s on the internet these days)
I’ve designed this program to ensure that you will never have to worry about losing control at an event that’s supposed to be celebratory.
I want you to go out and enjoy yourself WITHOUT GUILT.
I also want you to be able to achieve all of your goals - it is possible to have your cake and eat it too! Let me show you how.
Training Programs
At Strengthen + Shine we're doing programming differently. We are personalising your training to suit your lifestyle, goals, available equipment, preferences and experience. Designed to optimise muscle growth and recovery. Having a personalised training program will stop you from walking aimlessly around the gym and wondering if you’re doing enough.
($697 value)
Customised Nutrition Strategy
Using the flexible eating strategy to incorporate all of your favourite foods into your daily diet without giving up your physique goals. I’ll be taking the guesswork out of eating FOR GOOD by customising your calculations and teaching you how to write your own meal plans (that you’ll be able to change up as much or as little as you like!)
($597 value)
1:1 Private Coaching Calls
2 x 30 min private coaching calls so that we can plan, review and reflect on the protocol we're designing. This is your opportunity to pick my brain and have my eyes laser focused on you and your journey - no one elses.
($697 value)
Weekly Food Diary Audit
& Technique Feedback
Feel confident in knowing that you’re tracking your food correctly and executing your training program in a way that’s safe and effective. You'll get your entire food diary reviewed and you're able to submit up to 4 x training videos per week for feedback.
($1697 value)
Contact Your Coach
I'll be on the group coaching platform Monday to Friday so for those days where you're lacking motivation, need extra support, accountability, tips or other advice - I'll be there!
($1397 value)
Weekly Group Coaching Call
With the entire Coached By Ell community we will discuss (in detail) your wins and struggles for the month and implement strategies. This is great for extra accountability, encouragement and motivation (if you can't make the call, don't stress! Everything is recorded and you'll be able to catch the replay)
($1297 value)
20 x Live Workshops
Focusing on key topics within one of our five pillars (nutrition, training, lifestyle, mindset and body love) you'll learn everything you need to know to not only make progress, but sustain it for long after the program has finished. Can't make it live? No worries! All workshops are recorded so you can dive into them at a time that's convenient for you.
($2997 value)
24/7 Access
To Your Community
Via our client platform. Here we will set our intentions, participate in weekly challenges, post our quotes of the week, share our favourite recipes and workout tips, ask questions, celebrate our wins AND MORE.
($997 value)
That’s over $10,000 worth of value for only
a fraction of that price.

Do you feel like ...
You’re constantly second guessing if you’re eating and training the right way
You feel overwhelmed by all of the information on there and want to finally know what YOU need
You only manage to remain on track when life is ‘easy’ and it’s the ‘perfect time’
Social events, holidays, meals and celebrations always ruin your progress
The only things that actually work are restrictive diets that you can’t manage to follow for longer than one week
You want to learn how to do things for yourself so that you don’t need to keep paying for challenges
Imagine if you ...
Knew the exact way to structure your training and nutrition so that it fits your schedule/lifestyle AND you can build muscle/lose body fat
Had the tools and support to take control of your fitness journey and feel confident doing so
Never had to feel overwhelmed with all of the information on instagram/tik tok because you have ALL of the answers (and the platform to ask questions)
Didn’t have to eliminate all of your favourite foods just to feel more confident in your own body
Had the proven roadmap to teach you how to build a routine that fits your life so that you can execute your plan with confidence and sustain your results
You were able to stay on track even during those times where you have events and celebrations because you know exactly what to do to be able to enjoy them without forgoing your progress
You were able to walk into the gym with confidence and execute your training program (and felt strong whilst doing so!)

Hi, I’m Ell
I used to be just like you. Desperate to see results and feel confident within myself but absolutely no idea how to do it.
I used to spend hours trying to find the ‘best’ workout routine and foods to help with weight loss all for it to be ridiculously unenjoyable and restrictive. You know the type? I just wanted to know how it was even possible for people to look so good and not hate what they were doing. I thought eating healthy sucked and I thought I hated exercise. “Maybe that’s just the way I am” or “maybe I’m not meant to be fit” are the things I would say to myself after trying and failing yet another attempt to lose weight.
I remember discovering flexible dieting and thinking there is absolutely no way that I can eat white potato and lose weight. There’s no way I don’t have to meal prep dry chicken and soggy vegetables every Sunday night, how is that possible? How does that work?
I was in this cycle of restricting because I thought that’s what you had to do, and then falling COMPLETELY off the wagon because I was so hungry and the things I was eating were not appetising or satiating at all. I was going from one extreme to another EVERY single week.
I remember my first structured training program, I remember thinking “Where is all the cardio? I’m not sweating enough it’s not going to work” all of these things that were nailed into my thoughts as a young girl. All of these things we grew up believing about dieting and exercising - it was SO hard to unlearn those things. But I did it.
One week of remaining on track turned into two weeks. Two weeks turned into a month, a month turned into a year. I couldn’t believe how easy it was to stick to and I couldn’t believe how much I genuinely loved it. I lost over 15kg and my shape changed completely.
But enough about me, it’s YOUR turn. You deserve to learn. You deserve to understand. You deserve to achieve your goals without having to give up everything you love. You DESERVE to feel confident, to love exercise, to love the food you’re eating and to LOVE YOURSELF.
Let me guess, you’ve done countless 6/8/12 week challenges, you’ve bought many plans before and they haven’t worked. I understand you’re…
Scared of wasting more money
Unsure if you’ll be able to stick to it
Feeling like maybe it’s not the right time
Overwhelmed by all of the information and you don’t know who is telling the truth
Sick of temporary results that you get from aggressive approaches
Doubting your ability to participate and letting fear hold you back
I totally understand! I’ve been there too.

I’ll be real with you. Strengthen + Shine isn’t a quick fix.
The industry these days promises you easy results but forgets to mention that fat loss and making a change also requires some sacrifice. Unfortunately that’s just the way it is but I will be with you every step of the way providing you with life-changing education, a supportive community and a foolproof plan. I’ll be there to strategise, to talk you through your bad mindset days and to help you to make sure those sacrifices don’t take you away from everything and everyone you love.
There’s so many coaching programs out there but not a whole lot of them work closely with you to teach you and give you the tools you need to adjust the plan yourself and be successful for the rest of your life. A program might provide you with the perfect meal plan or the perfect training program but that doesn’t mean it will be perfect for you. So many programs are just not telling you that so you think that YOU are the problem.
I’m here to tell you that you are NOT the problem. The approach is the problem. Strengthen + Shine works with you to provide an evidence based, no BS approach to health and fitness. This is to ensure you will be able to remain consistent (and enjoy it) no matter what life throws at you.
Feeling hungry today?
No worries,
eat some more food!
Have a birthday dinner coming up?
let’s strategise!
Not sure if your training program is right for you?
Let’s create one
that is!

Strengthen + Shine is PERFECT for you IF:
You’re ready to feel confident in everything you wear, not just tracksuit pants and baggy tee’s.
You want to reach your goals without eliminating your favourite foods to get there.
You enjoy resistance training and want to learn how to build muscle, get ‘toned’ and create shape.
You have an all or nothing mindset and are ready to create some balance
You love the idea of being a part of a like-minded community of go-getters who are all on the same journey as you.
You want to be lead and supported by a coach who CARES.
You’re ready to jump into learning and you’re willing to participate in the life-changing conversations
Strengthen + Shine is probably NOT for you IF:
You like restrictive diets and prefer to eat low carb​
You just want a meal plan to follow and don’t care about the education
You prefer to get your information from fit-fluencers online
You like sweating it out in a cardio session and have no interest in resistance training
You don’t want to make your goals a priority
You have no intention in participating or asking questions
Enjoying wine and a cheeseboard with the gals and not feeling guilty
to Friday
not falling
off track
strong AF
in your
Eating ice cream and popcorn without feeling like you’ve ruined your diet
secure, confident and excited
to keep progressing
Experiencing huge FOMO seeing all of the S+S community kicking goals​
In the
exact same
you are
right now
how to
lose weight
Walking aimlessly around the gym
with no idea what to do​
Starting another restrictive diet that you won’t stick to for longer than one week​