I know how frustrating hormonal imbalances can be so I’ve created a free hormone audit to help you gather a better understanding around how your hormones could be getting in the way of you achieving your goals.
If you’re struggling to lose weight and don’t know why or you’re battling with other hormonal symptoms and want next steps, you’ll answer a few questions and I’ll send you a personalised video discussing your results and giving you a clear indication of where to go next.
Lab results coming back ‘normal’?
Unable to lose weight and think it might be hormonal?
Sick of having no energy to get through the day?
now imagine if you...
📝 Had those symptoms validated and were given a step by step plan to heal them instead of being told nothing was wrong…
☀️ If you were able to wake up in the morning knowing you have a plan that is right for you instead of trying something else from google that you know probably won’t work
Step one - you’ll answer a few questions to help me learn a bit more about you and your symptoms
Step two - I’ll film a personalised video explaining the results and the steps for you to take so that you can finally move forward towards your goals
Step three - You implement and start looking and feeling the best you ever have!

When I was going through the process of being diagnosed with PCOS I was told that it would cause weight gain and to combat that I should stick to a low carb, 800 calorie diet.
I was also told to go on birth control and come back when I was ready to have a baby.
I was 21 years old.
During the process of creating this free hormone audit, I channeled every fear and question I had during that time and made sure that I would provide the reassurance and answers that I never got.
Here's what I've been able to achieve with PCOS.
I know I’m not alone here, I hear your stories every day.
You’re told to cut carbs.
You’re told to go on birth control.
You’re made to feel as if this is just a part of being a woman.
That’s not true.
This is perfect for you if:
You’ve been quietly wondering for a while if your hormones are getting in the way of you feeling and looking your best
You’re sick of not being told ‘calorie deficit’ everywhere you look and want some guidance that will actually help you
You’re ticking off more and more symptoms of having a hormonal imbalance but aren’t sure where to start